I have had this clock on my bathroom counter for the last two years. Before that, it sat on my end table while living in Rexburg. I bought it at an antique shop in Rexburg for $10. Some time after moving back home to Washington I remember the hands stopping and it was time to replace the battery in the back. For some reason since that day, I never got around to replacing the battery and this little clock seemed to serve no purpose on my bathroom counter.
As I was washing my hands i happened to turn over and catch a glimpse of that clock. I got to thinking. I wonder what I was doing the moment those hands stopped on that clock? And even though the hands of time for that little clock have stopped, Time sure hasn't waited up for me to change the battery. Time has been tick tock ticking away whether I replaced the battery or not.
Lately, time has seemed to be flying by and I'm sure its not going to be slowing down anytime soon. Many things have happened and many changes have been made. I've made some goals, Some decisions, and spent a lot of time wondering about things.
Some of these things have been monumental and some not so much.
I visited California for the first time.
I went to my first family reunion.
My little sister moved in with us to start on the road of the rest of her life and the first place she'll be "hanging her hat" at the end of the day will be with us in our little home. How wonderful.
I bought bare minerals for the second time and wondered why I ever went back to the other stuff.
I left my job and lost all of my free makeup, good pay, and medical benefits. I'll take having Sundays back to take the sacrament, hold my husband's hand, and spend evenings with family over makeup.
I have an interview with an LDS bookstore next week. Regardless if i get the job or not, it's nice to have a good interview and the knowledge that I'm interviewing for a job that I won't ever have to work on Sundays without a second thought of it.
I got to see my sister and brother-in- law this month. It's always nice to reunite with family who lives hours and hours away.
We're having a yummy BBQ this weekend to celebrate the August/September Birthdays and taking family pictures.
Next weekend I'll be in Boise for another Family reunion. Nathan and I are excited to spend time with some family that we haven't seen in a while. :)
I registered for classes for the fall. That's one step closer to finishing my Associates Degree. (I'm so close!)
Before I know it, I'll be 22 in 24 days. The craziest thing is that it feels like yesterday that Nathan and I were just 19/20 yrs. old attending BYUI, stopping at Snoasis Snowcone shack everyday in August before our summer evening classes. Now we're married!
Lots has happened and lots more is happening and even though my little clock in still frozen in time, life is still ticking away...Its a good thing i took my best friend on my life's journey to pass my life's time with.
Happy Summer. Enjoy the last month or two that's left of it. :)
Here's a little song I've loved for some time. This post reminds me of it.
There are six BILLION people in the world
More or less
and it makes me feel quite small
But you're the one I love the most of all
We're high on the wire
With the world in our sight
And I'll never tire,
Of the love that you give me every night
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