-my wonderful birthday. I got to spend a fun filled day with family.
- funny stories from work.
-how my brother, sister-in- law, and adorable little nephew now live like 5 minutes away from us instead of over an hour and a half away. We have been visiting them often and having a lot of fun together.
- i finally got my wedding rings sautered together after almost 6 months of marriage. It looks very pretty!
-We got a really nice, pretty couch thats from IKEA from craigslist for only $50!
-or how we finally cleaned up our spare bedroom that we used as a storage room but it looked more like "Ms. Michicks house" (OHS students/ Othello residents will know exactly what i mean). I would have included pictures but i would have been too embarrased.
- how ridiculously expensive grocercy shopping is getting!! i feel like an old lady clipping coupons and handing them to the cashier to save 25 cents on something, but hey it ends up saving a few bucks that will pay for the tip at a nice restaurant every now and then!

But instead of telling you all about those exciting things, I will fill out this little questionairre for you all to enjoy.
I Got Tagged!
Here are the rules: Write six things about yourself that nobody knows or that is unique to you.
1. I have had this recurring dream for years (as long as I remember), and it always happens about twice a month.
I have a normal dream but in the dream my teeth are all really loose and if I put my teeth together they will fall out, so throughout this entire dream I try my best not to let my top and bottom teeth touch. Eventually they do and a weird cracking/crunching sound happens and about half of my teeth fall out. Usually shortly after this happens in my dream I wake up for the day. I have never had a problem with grinding my teeth at night so I have absolutely no idea why this happens. Yea, WEIRD, I know!!
2. When I am really bored while on either a long trip, when i can't sleep, when i dont have something to do at work, or when i a teacher lectures, I think of different things i would do with 350 million dollars. haha. I seriously don't know where that exact amount came from but it always seems to cure my boredom. So next time i look really bored and your sitting next to me, chances are I'm probably thinking of ways to spend/invest that $350 million dollars.
3. I ALWAYS hold on to the side railing of stairs.
I am scared to death of falling down them. One time when i was like 7 i fell down the stairs at a Great Aunt's house in texas, then when i was around 13 yrs old i slipped backwards from the 4th step of stairs. I hate stairs and always go go down them very slowly. Too bad I live on the second floor and have to use stairs every single day.
4. I waited 6 years to kiss the boy I wanted to have my first kiss with since my freshman year in highschool. I had different opportunities through those years but just before it happened i backed out. I wanted no one but him to be my first kiss.
P.S.- It happened, and I am happily married to him.
5. I've searched the web to find unknown musicians since i was old enough to get the internet.
I listen to so many different music artists that by the time they go mainstream (if they do) I've listened to their music for a couple of years and listening to them on the radio as a "Hot New Artist "with a "Brand New" single makes me cringe.
Example: Jack Johnson and John Mayer go back about 10 years with me. I never thought they would make it mainstream after two or three years of listening to their music back when I was in 6th grade. Then my freshman year in high school they became the "Hot, New" artists out. I heard their songs on the radio and flipped out from surprise! From then on I realized just how long it does take to get recognized in the music industry.
6. I doodle on everything!! I CAN NOT have a writing utensil in my hand because whatever is closest to me i will start to draw on. i doodled more in school than i did taking notes. I star off with a little swirl or a flower...then before i know it, my whole page is covered in little drawings, signatures, shapes, words, whatever.
...and that's it! I hope you got to know me a little better. :) until next time!
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