May 21, 2008

WARNING: too much information ahead...

A trash bag, the toilet, or a bucket have been my best friend these last 3 days...

finally this afternoon i was able to keep down some cereal and a carrot (random, I know. but those were the only two things didnt make me want to puke at the sight/smell of it). I've been waking up almost exactly every hour in the night to pee for the last week. I can't sleep right at night anymore, AND I am 2 days late for my -how do i put this delicately?- "monthly visit", and the pregancy tests i took came back negative so I made an appointment this friday with a GIRL doctor so I that can find out if all of these symptoms are adding up to there being a roast on slow-cook in me or just a really bad flu.

I was looking up some things about prenacy online a little bit ago and IF i am indeed expecting i should be 4 weeks along...Honeymoon baby?? oops.

All I have to say is I BETTER be pregnant or my body is just teasing and playing tricks on me!!

oh and by the way, Nathan and I saw Narnia opening night. No, not opening night as in the 7 o'clock showing on Friday. We saw the MIDNIGHT showing on thursday husband is addicted to movies. (yea, we subscribe to Netflix too.)

It was a great movie. In my opinion, not as good as the first, but still a must-see. It's loaded with great messages and inspiring lines from the characters.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Ohh baby??? That would be exciting let me know what you find out.
