May 23, 2008

tribute to loma...come back!

yes it just happened for the first time. loma and i are seperated...only for tonight thankfully. she's super sick and just got picked up by her mom to go to the doctor's in othello. usually if she goes to othello for whatever reason, she finds a way to come back before the next day. not in this case though, it doesn't look like she'll be able to come back until tomorrow...this is kind of a big deal for me. i'm not used to being seperated from her for this long. i have things to occupy my time with today so i think i'll be able to manage until then.

as i was getting ready for the day, i was thinking about loma and why i love her so much. -i really don't care if this gets a little mushy, she's my wife. i'm supposed to love her.- i was remembering mostly all of the things we went through together once i graduated h.s....our h.s. friendship was fun but it lacked substance and a little bit of depth. it seemed that at the time when i started growing up and getting ready for college was when we started becoming inseperable. i don't think i've known anyone else who can endlessly show love the way she does. i remember for about 2 years prior to her coming to rexburg, we would talk on the phone every single day. i'm not kidding either. we have the bills to prove it. you'd think you'd get tired of someone by then and run out of things to talk about. not with her though. she's probably one of the best conversationalists that i know. but it wasn't just her being a good conversationalist. she was literally my counselor, entertainer, and tutor in every way for that time. then once she came, it was the same thing except in person and that's when things started to get surprisingly more complicated yet still a blast. and i think you all know what eventually happened...

i'm not really sure where i'm trying to go with this blog. it's hard for me to stay focused and on track. it's almost as if i'm giving her biography/eulogy. i guess what i'm trying to get at is that dangit, i miss my wife and don't want her to be sick anymore! i think i better go clean or something before i start turning into some sad, needy husband. i think sometimes the best remedy to feeling better is to just have your other half with you, even when they're way worse off than you are. and for me, my remedy is my loma...


DeHaan-Lybbert Familia said...

she has an infection huh.

Ashley said...

haha nathan i know how you feel. I get that way when joe has to go to school. One time he had an earache and I wrote this whole long blog about him just like yours its there go find it!!
