Maybe It's working 6 days a week in a mall and seeing bratty kids, tweens, and teens all around me, that has caused be to become very irrated with the upcoming generation of kids. Or maybe my mother did a really good job of rasing me. Remember when you would get excited for a 50 cent candy bar at the store, or if you sassed one your parents, you made a run for your bedroom because you knew what was coming. Well not anymore. Kids everywhere around me are the bosses. They tell their moms what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Here are my top 3 stories of the week. Enjoy:
A couple days ago i was doing a make up consultation with a mother and daughter. The mom was getting her daughter, which we'll call BRATtney, make up for back to school. She was starting high school. Well, Brattney decided she needed everything at my counter! As she was pointing to everything, she gave her mom this "death-stare" and after a couple uneasy awkard seconds, her mom simply nodded ok. I just smiled to be polite and because it was helping my sales goal but frowned on the inside. So as I gathered everything she wanted, which by the way, she didnt even need some of the stuff for her 14 year old complextion, BUT the packaging was "CUTE" so she had to have it. So I gathered the stuff and rang up the total. Prepare yourselves.... the total came to $565!!!(Thats almost a month's rent for me!) None of our products are more than $32 dollars so she obviously went to town at my counter. The mom sighed and handed me her credit card. She picked up her twenty shopping bags because the daughter walked off expecting her mom to carry them all i guess.
As the mom was leaving, she shouted to her daughter " Are we done yet, honey?" and you know what the daughter said? " H*ll no! Beotch! I need more! heeehee hee!"
(I wonder if I'll get fired for sharing this online? Well... hopefully my manager never reads this.)

These two girl that look about 11-13 yr old ( or really, really short 25 year olds with no boobs, high pitched voices,and no other womanly features) are walking in front of me as i am coming back from a lunch break. Both are wearing heels, mini skirts, tank tops, one has a coach bag, and the other a clutch, and they are both wearing WAY TOO MUCH make up.. One is texting on her phone while the other one is complaining how her mom is late to pick them up and they are going to be late to a friends birthday party or something like that. The other rambles on about some boy that she likes that is going to be in 8th grade and she is so excited to be in 7th grade next month and goes on about how She hopes she doesnt get fatter before school with the orange julius she drank (she looked like she was 80 lbs.). The phone rings *hannah montana song plays (of course)* and this is what i hear- " Oh my gosh mom, I'm going to kill you! where are you now? *mom says something* no you stupid dork! we arent outside waiting."
I hear these dumb songs as i pass by Limited too, a clothing store for young girls.
I hate kidzbop. These songs aren't even relavant (sp?) AT ALL to these 6-12 year olds.
Thank you mom for being a MOM. And thank you other moms for doing your job. As for the other ones... ENOUGH!!
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