These last two days have been blissful for me! I worked the last seven days straight and it just wore me out. I thank the Lord for days off!! :)
I've spent my days of sleeping in, watching movies, and enjoying time with my man. He was gone for a couple days for the Davis reunion, which I had to miss out on b/c of work. The job is awesome but i am so limited on taking time off the first few months.
Now that i have to go back to work tomorrow, I'm realizing i should have done a little more cleaning and a little less laying around...oh well.
Sometimes i wish i could just wake up and not have to worry about putting on make up, doing my hair, and wearing "fancy pants"(haha). It's fun being a girl, but when I see Nathan getting ready, every now and then i wish i could just wash my face, put on some hair serum, brush my teeth, and go out the door. Boys... those lucky ducks.

I'm looking forward to July because my sister, Monica comes for a while!! I haven't seen her since Christmas ( I think?) and that is way too long for me! All of us sisters always have fun when we get together. It can turn into complete and utter chaos sometimes... I can't wait!!!!!
I'm sure those of you with sisters know EXACTLY what I'm talking about...
Fun times ahead I say!
I'm excited for your time with your sisters! I get to spend time with all of my sister in laws (3) and sister in July as well. One of the sis in laws I get to see maybe once or twice a year. And she's going to be around for 3 weeks! So I completely understand!
Hey, you saw her for your wedding do-do bird! But then again you were probably too busy to really hang out! lol love yas sis!
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