Last night Nathan and I celebrated our 1st anniversary. I know, we've only been married about 2 months (it feels much longer), but this weekend last year Nathan gave me my first kiss and offically became my boyfriend. Awh how cute!! It's funny to think about. It seems like so long ago that we were just friends. Yet at that time, it seemed like we were just friends for so long! It's interesting too, because for quite a while neither of us dated anyone because we spent too much time together. In BYU-Idaho it's rare to be surrounded by so many guys and girls and not have some one that you interested in. I just hit it off wit Nathan thatI never really felt that need to be on the "look-out" for someone.

Of course, like any girl, I felt that void when i saw couples EVERYWHERE. (If you lived in Rexbrug, you know exactly what i mean!) I wanted to have a companion so bad, but not just any companion. I wanted Nathan.
I somehow pulled off patiently waiting for the time to come and it did! I don't know where all of that hope and patience came from but I'm glad I stuck around and let things go at the Lords timing. Because I waited, I have been so blessed with such a fun marriage. I don't think a day goes by that Nathan and I dont laugh. When one of us gets upset, in the middle of the situation one of us will just say some hilarious remark and I just start laughing and then he laughs because i laughed and we forget about the whole situation! ok enough about how "awesome" we are, sheeesh! Trust me, we have our moments... but at the end of the day, we both fall asleep with smiles.
So anyways, for our very 1st anniversary we went to eat at Famous Dave's, Nathan's new job. It was yummy! BBQ! Then we went to see Kung-Fu Panda with Jack Black's voice as Po, the Panda. We loved it! It was not worth an Oscar nomination but still a super cute animation. I absolutely loved the moral of the story. It was espeically funny to us because our pet name for each other is Panda Bear. Trust me, we use this pet name totally joking because we think pet names are so embarrassing.

Oh, speaking of embarrasing and anniversaries. I have to bring something to anyone's attention:
When you are dating someone for less than a year, I'm sorry, but you can't have an anniversary.
An ANNiversary is ANNual as in once a year. That means someone should have their 1st anniversary on what some one else would be celebrating their 12th? It doesn't make sense.
Great job for making it work and holding strong for two months, but thats not an anniversary.
I'm so glad you were patient too! My husband was patient for me and I'm so glad he was! You two are awesome! It's nice to have a happy marriage, huh? I always heard that the first year was the hardest. I never understood what was hard about it. We've never yelled at each other and never argue. We "talk" :)
p.s. I love your blog
That was so fun to read. I love to hear your love story i think it is so amazing you were friends for so long and now your going to be friends for eternity!! It just makes me smile everytime. Anyway congrats on the anniversary I can't wait to celebrate ours!
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