May 27, 2008

I'm a plant murderer.

One day at Yoke's Fresh market last fall I decided I knew how to take care of plants. (Big mistake.) So I bought one of those pretty little green plants (see picture). See! I don't even know what the heck my plant is! Anyways, I have had this little guy for almost a YEAR! It has grown only about an inch. Why? Probably because I remember to water it just before it dies, never changed its pot into a bigger one, and hardly ever open the blinds to give it sunlight.

I keep lying to myself that i can take care of plants. Maybe i just don't want to let go of this plant because it symbolizes something. I figure, if i can keep this plant alive, maybe there is hope in my future.
You see, I have always marveled at beautiful lawns when i pass by houses. I see the woman out with her gardening tools planting a flower/weeding/ watering her plants. I'm afraid i will never be that woman. But what I am more afraid of is being the woman who owns the house with a brown yard. a yard consisting of dirt, weeds, dirt, and maybe a patch of grass. I really hope not! Wanna hear a story? - One time when i was like 16 i offered to pull the weeds infront of the house. A little later, one of my siblings came out and either laughed or gasped...probably both. Not only did i remove the weeds but also ALL of the flower bulbs!! everything! It was all gone...

I hope my husband has a green thumb. :(

(if you look in the left corner, this is the way my plant looks on a good day-watered, open blinds with sun light, and perky leaves....I haven't seen those days lately.)

1 comment:

DeHaan-Lybbert Familia said...

Those were my flowers you yanked. By the way the plant you had was an Ivy, very hard to kill. It's okay though my roomates killed mine, it happens I guess. I left them in charge of it when I went to Thanksgiving break in Washington, I came back, bye bye plant. Just keep practicing you'll get it.
